Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bloody trip to the pediatritian

A couple of weeks ago a tiny red mark appeared on Braeden's nose.  At first we thought it was a scratch, but then we realized it was not.  I asked our pediatrician if it was anything to worry about during Ainsley's 15 month check up and she said it was nothing to worry about and should go away.  She did say if it increased in size there was a possibility of having to go to a dermatologist for removal.  Didn't think too much of it, but this past week we noticed it was getting a little bit raised and slightly bigger.

Needless to say Braeden started messing with it once it became raised.  We thought of different names but decided on Zoila.  He would tell me that Zoila was taking a nap on his nose among other funny things.  I told him to leave Zoila alone.

Friday I was feeling like it was a productive day as I daydreamed what we would do for the afternoon.  Something got Braeden in trouble because I sent him to time out for two minutes.  I looked over in the designated chair and to my horror saw blood streaked all over his face!!!!  Immediately I knew he had messed with Zoila.  Not sure what to do I called Woodinville Peds and during my conversation with the nurse (barely could understand each other due to all the screaming) we decided I would bring him in.  Watching way too much TV I immediately started getting scared he would get a flesh eating disease among other things! 

We got coats, shoes and socks on and headed out.  Braeden was pretty upset, but calmed down on the car ride.  When we got to Woodinville Peds I checked in an kindly they give me a room asap.  While waiting Braeden got upset as I wouldn't let him touch anything.  Meanwhile Ainsley was throwing anything she could get her hands on and laughing like a wild monkey.  Got lots of great looks from other kids and parents.  Felt awesome!

Nurse and doctor were wonderful and we got all cleaned up.  Realized I was totally overreacting and Braeden of coarse will be okay.  Hopefully Zoila will go away so we don't have to have her frozen off! 

All better on the ride home!
All wiped out at home.

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