Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Potty Party

So we finally took the plunge and started potty training Braeden.  As of this coming Thursday it we are going on two weeks.  Braeden has exceeded my expectations in the pee department and destroyed my expectations in the poo department.  He is scared to go poo on the potty but won't go in a diaper either which = he is holding it and causing a whole new set of issues.  I don't need to get into the details, but basically my life if momentarily ruled by poo.  For example it is sunny and beautiful out right now and I am stuck in the house waiting for Braeden to poo.  Oh well, this too shall pass right?

On the positive he is doing great wearing big boy pants and I am even thinking he is not too far off from being dry through the night.  Not something I expected.  The added bonus has been Ainsley's enthusiasm in going on the potty.  She had her second poo today on the potty and another pee which makes approximately 4 or 5 times??!!??  Sibling rivalry at its best!  As soon as B goes poo today we will be hoping in the car to go to Starbucks to get a "pop pop".  This is what Ainsley calls cake pops.  It was the treat I promised/bribed with today.  Never did I think I would talk about poop so much or celebrate potty on the potty.  "Yeah for potty"!!!!!! 

Potty partners in crime!

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