Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to the family Braeden Patrick Allen

March 16th 2010 Braeden Patrick Allen arrived at 3:57pm 7lbs 3oz 19.5 in.!!! As you can guess our Tuesday morning appointment resulted in us being sent to the hospital for a scheduled 2:45pm c-section. We were bumped back due to an emergency c-section, but aside from that everything went smoothly. Braeden had to spend some time in the NICU to monitor his breathing and help with his circulation, but then we got him all to ourselves.
Grandma, Grandpa and Nina were all there to welcome him along with GG, great aunt Maureen, Ano and Brian. We had lots of visitors in the hospital which was so fun!
Braeden is an absolute dream. He is definitely changing our lives. Gracie and Oscar are adjusting to the new addition and have been so good around the baby. Give us a few more weeks and we will all be pros. Not looking forward to Dave going back to work. It has been so nice to have him home.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Thursday March 11th - Monday March 15th

We went in for the ultrasound/turning consultation Thursday March 11th and found out they wouldn't do the procedure due to my fluid being low. I left the appointment knowing that we would now be booking a c-section for March 27th and in addition to our weekly check ups I now had weekly ultrasound and non stress tests scheduled. Dave and I spent the weekend getting ready feeling pretty rushed with the c-section only two weeks away. Friday we went to happy hour at Z-Tejas and did some shopping at Bell Square. Saturday was clean house and organize day followed by dinner at Andrea's with Joe, Lesli and Charlotte as well. Sunday we continued getting ready and then I went to Tutta Bella to celebrate Danielle being in town since she is applying to Pharm school at UW. The weekend was busy and helped take our minds off the low fluid and c-section.

Monday arrived and we both went to work. I headed to my 2:25pm appointment only to find out the fluid was even lower than before. It had been 7 at the previous appointment and was now 5.4, 5 being the cut off for bad. During the non stress test the women attending let me know we had a very happy baby. As we chatted I mentioned I was a little bummed about having to have a c-section and the fact that I already knew my sons b-day. The women just looked at me and let me know she bet we would have the baby by the end of the week. She also let me know she almost didn't give me any water as she thought the doctor would send me straight over to the hospital after the ultrasound results. They did let me leave and told me to expect a call from my doctors office. I made the call to Dave to let him know the baby was probably arriving well before the 27th. I went back to work thinking I better really get everything done asap! Not long after I arrived back at work my doctors office called and let me know they wanted me back in the next morning. She told me not to eat anything after midnight. I asked what kind of test they were doing and she let me know it would be another ultrasound. At this point I asked if I should have my bags packed and she said yes. I stayed late at work and then headed home where the evening was spent packing bags, trying to figure out names and being very nervous!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Breech Baby

Week 37 and the little one is still breech. We have an ultrasound tomorrow morning to decide whether or not we should do the turning procedure. If we opt to do that we will be back at Evergreen on Friday and go from there. If he stays breech we will be scheduling a c-section for the weekend of March 27th. On the bright side, our Dr is on call that weekend. We shall see what happens. Either way hard to believe with in the next few weeks we will be in charge of a newborn baby! Very exciting and scary all at once!